The John Lautner ?Foundation (“JLF”) owns the federally registered trademark for the name John Lautner, numerous copyrighted materials, including but not limited to original designs of John Lautner, and all rights of publicity associated with the name, likeness, voice, signature and visual representation of John Lautner (“JLF Property”?).
JLF reserves all rights in JLF Property. Individuals and entities should not use any JLF Property for any purpose unless they have obtained prior written authorization from the John Lautner Foundation. Individuals and entities should not use JLF’s trademark or the John Lautner name in a trademark sense to identify or distinguish goods or services or in a manner that sets JLF trademark or the John Lautner name apart from surrounding text, without prior written authorization from The John Lautner Foundation. Individuals and entities should not recreate, reproduce, copy, or create derivative works of John Lautner’s
copyrighted materials, including but not limited to original designs of John Lautner, without prior written authorization from JLF.
Please direct your questions and requests on the use of the name to lautner (at) johnlautner (dot) org.